I attend Grace Baptist Church in Malone Kentucky. Our pastor is a terrific pastor. His name is Mike Lindon and he is certainly on fire for the Lord. Our whole church is on fire right now. In December 2004 our
church went through something called Experiencing God Weekend. A friend of Mike’s,
who is also a pastor, brought his church (Faith Missionary Baptist Church)
up here and they presented the Experiencing God Weekend to us. Ever since that
weekend, our church has been striving for the spiritual food that we received then.
Since then we have started a praise band which consists of many members of the church.
You have my dad, Anthony Frederick, on the bass, my uncle, John Salyer, on the drums, my pastor, Michael Lindon, on
the acoustic guitar, Eddie Dean Barker on rhythm/electric guitar, my brother, Chase Frederick on the Congas, Jason
Gilliam on lead guitar and me, Aeriel Frederick, on the Keyboards. For vocalists
you have many, many people within the church, including several youth!
When Faith Missionary Baptist
Church came to our church and presented the Experiencing God Weekend,
they taught us a new way to worship God. They taught the youth group the sign
language to a song. We learned it in 1 day and presented it to the church the
very next day. Everyone did a great job and really enjoyed doing it. Since then I have purchased some sign language books and have been figuring out the signs to many different
songs. Our youth group is now signing songs themselves. We have presented many songs in the church and also out within the community! Everyone seems
to really enjoy it and I know that I love to teach/do it and spread the gospel in the Hands of Praise ministry!!
Grace Baptist Church
has begun a mission project. We have a Grace
Baptist Mission Church
in the Wrigley area that will be based around youth and deaf people. This Mission project has been the highlight of our year. We
are really excited about reaching out to make a difference in the Wrigley community and a difference in the lives of youth
and the deaf! Please pray about this mission project. I am very confident that it will continue to be a great public outreach and witness to many people.